So you’re trying to live the American Dream and still find you’re searching for more? Maybe you’ve found your job is paying the bills, but not much more. Or maybe you just need to make some extra cash to save up for that vacation you’ve always wanted to take. You may even be financially responsible enough to want to start a “nest egg.” Whatever the reason, you can find money-making solutions all around you as a result of our nation’s booming gig economy.
According to the a 2017 survey by Bankrate, 44 percent of Americans have a side gig, or a way to “rake in cash” over and above what they get paid in their primary job. The median income earned from side jobs was $200 a month among the most popular gigging group, the millennials. But the more aggressive hustlers, 25 percent of millennials, were able to push to a healthy $500 a month of supplemental income, which can definitely pay off a few bills or add some substantial savings.
So if you’re thinking about getting started in the gig economy, here’s a few tips to get you started.
Discuss It With Your Employer Ahead of Time
If you are having trouble managing your full-time job that provides the bulk of your income, now isn’t a good time to start working on a side gig. Take time to meet with your employer to discuss whether this is a good fit for both you and them. Make sure they see your work in good stead, as it’s best to keep your financial foundation solid before trying to focus on a side gig. Remember, don’t consider taking on a side gig if you can’t stay fully committed to your primary job. And when choosing your side gig, try to determine if there is a way to make something you do in your side job benefit your full-time work. This will be a win-win.
Finding Something You Enjoy
When you’re thinking about a side job, consider finding something that complements your particular passions. Say, for example, you’re a dog lover. The perfect gig for you might be establishing a dog-walking or dog-sitting service. Find ways to make money while spending time doing things that bring you joy.
Determine Your Goals
The goal of a side gig might be performing work that complements your full-time job responsibilities. This will give you more experience and make you a more qualified and valuable employee. For others, searching for the highest-paying gig is the priority. Before you get started, make sure you have your future goals in mind.
Tap Into Energy Management
We’ve all heard about time management and know how important it is to our success on the job, but there’s also evidence that suggests energy management is equally important. According to Kimberly Palmer, author of “The Economy of You: Discover Your Inner Entrepreneur and Recession-Proof Your Life,” make sure to work on your side gig during peak energy times. For some folks, the early morning is when they are most focused, so plan on getting up early to attack your tasks. For night owls, the opposite is true. Be sure to tune in to when you’re most energized because this will allow for the highest-quality work.
She also suggests these tips for having a successful gig:
- Be organized.
- Be careful of start-up expenses.
- Listen to your customers.
- Expect business setbacks and find ways to learn from them.
- Be bold!
Picking the Right App or Site
The phone app stores are flooded with products to help you get started with your own gig business, as is the internet. Take the time to review several products before choosing what’s best for you.
So jump in and give it a go at a side gig that most interests you. It’s estimated that by 2027 freelancers will be the majority of the workforce. As corporations continue to outsource, families look to spend more time without the constraints of a nine-to-five job, and a growing desire for financial independence continues to grow. So go ahead and get started on your own side hustle today!
Photo Credit: Pixabay